Waste Management & Recycling Solutions
At CTM, we’re all about creating a healthier environment through responsible waste management. We have the expertise to handle waste safely and effectively - ensuring every type of waste is treated with the highest standards to minimise environmental contamination risks. Our fleet of specialised vehicles and equipment enables us to meet your requirements. Whether it's waste collection, transportation, or disposal, we've got you covered.
But beyond that, with our 2 Material Recovery Facilities (MRF), we’re not simply managing waste - we’re transforming them into reusable materials. By collecting, sorting, and recovering materials, we're closing the loop and making a real difference for the planet.
In Numbers
Fleet of Vehicles and Equipment
For reliable and timely waste collection
sq ft Of Material Recovery Facilities
Enabling effective processing of electronic and conventional waste
kg of Materials Recovered Annually
Reducing environment waste
Commercial Waste Management
Let CTM mitigate the negative environmental impacts of commercial activities and turn your waste into worth. By effectively recovering and repurposing these materials, we contribute to a more sustainable business ecosystem and a greener environment.

Industrial Waste Management
It takes a special care to handle the management of industrial waste, with potential hazardous materials. Our team of professional workers are equipped with the expertise and equipment to safely collect, sort, treat, recycle and recover the materials from industrial waste, while ensuring that everything we do follows the strictest guidelines and SOPs.

Sewerage Plumbing and Jetting
Sewerage plays a pivotal role in maintaining environmental cleanliness. Without proper management, sewer systems can clog with debris and grease, causing diseases and unpleasant odours. We specialise in cleaning, managing, and maintaining sewerage systems so that they can function efficiently, safeguarding public health and the environment.

Sludge Disposal
Sludge may contain toxic contaminants which are hazardous to the environment. It requires meticulous handling to ensure environmental safety, and you can be assured that CTM is committed to a safe and responsible collection, treatment and disposal of sludge. We’re also exploring innovative and sustainable disposal methods, such as energy recovery or soil enhancement.

Recycling and Provision of Equipment
Recycling goes beyond simply tossing items into a bin; it’s a multi-step process involving collection, sorting, storage, processing, and converting waste into reusable materials. We’re capable of helping you navigate this journey with our expansive fleet, tools and Material Recovery Facilities (MRF). We also work closely with our clients to equip them with the necessary tools, ensuring efficient and effective collection of recyclables at their own space.

Let’s Get In Touch
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